

Inclusion Support

The school has a strong commitment to the inclusion and pastoral support of all our families and students; this includes students who are identified as Students of Determination (SEND), English Language Learners (ELL), More and Exceptionally Able and Students (MEA).

Every teacher at GEMS International School is a teacher of all students and the whole school community works together to embrace the ethos of inclusion. GEMS International School has a comprehensive inclusion support team who provide professional guidance to our teaching staff and provide support and guidance for our students and families. This is composed of experienced and highly skilled staff in all divisions; including specialist SEND teachers, trained counselors, English Language specialists and a MEA program to ensure all students have the opportunity to achieve their full potential. The Inclusion Support team works closely together with the teaching staff to ensure a holistic approach for the students. Students’ happiness and emotional wellbeing is seen as an essential component of our provision and there is a strong pastoral element to our program. We highly value partnerships with parents and families and we are keen to welcome all students from a diverse range of backgrounds and of all abilities.


Inclusion Policy and Parents Handbooks


The school has comprehensive Parent Information Handbooks and Policies outlining the support provision in further detail.

The Tareeqi Program

The school has a functional life skills programme; the Tareeqi Program. This program is a highly personalized pathway that is designed to meet the needs of students who are unable to access the mainstream curriculum meaningfully. The Tareeqi program was set up to enable these students to continue to benefit from being in a mainstream setting and the advantages of an IB education, whilst also allowing for curriculum adaptations to meet their individual needs. Students in Tareeqi follow Pearson Entry Level and ASDAN certifications and qualifications, alongside some MYP subjects depending on individual need.

Dually identified students

Some students at GIS may fall under the category of SD (students of determination), ELL and/ or MEA. Specialist inclusion teachers work collaboratively with homeroom and subject teachers to establish appropriate, personalized, support.

Law and Statutory Guidance on Inclusive Education

Our school mission, vision and policy are based on the statutory requirements laid out by:

How do students exit?

The length of time the student is in the program varies depending on the student and his or her needs. Some simply need a settling in time period with guidance from the ELL teacher to support learning and growth. Others need more intensive support for up to 2 academic years. The ELL teacher along with the homeroom and subject teachers triangulate the data and make a joint decision with the families. Data includes:

  • WIDA (4.5 or above)
  • MAP scores (need to demonstrate consistent sufficient growth)
  • Reading level must be approaching grade level
  • Writing assessments
  • Student’s ability to participate and complete tasks in class as well as communicate effectively with peers and teachers.

Students who exit the program are monitored for a year to make sure that the student is able to successfully manage his or her learning without any additional language support.

Dually identified students

Some students at GIS may fall under the category of SD (students of determination), ELL and/ or MEA. Specialist inclusion teachers work collaboratively with homeroom and subject teachers to establish appropriate, personalized, support. ELL Policy and Parents Handbooks The school has comprehensive Parent Information Handbooks and Policies outlining the support provision in further detail.

  • English Language Learners Policy 2023-2024

  • PYP ELL Parent Handbook 2022-2023

  • Secondary ELL Parent Handbook 2022-2023

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